There are a number of different types of bat survey that we provide. The type of survey needed will depend on what type of structure is being surveyed and the level of potential that it has to support a bat roost.
Bat roost potential assessments – typically included within or combined with a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal if the site contains buildings. Buildings are assessed externally for their potential to support bats by assessing the surrounding habitat, possible roosting areas (e.g. loft spaces) and possible access points (e.g. damaged tiles, gaps in lead flashing). If the building is considered to have potential for bats then further surveys will be recommended should the building in question be proposed to be impacted. Trees are assessed from the ground for their potential to support bats by assessing the surrounding habitat and using binoculars to look for features such as cracks, hollows and peeling bark.
Aerial tree surveys – we are equipped to undertake Aerial surveys which involves trees with potential to support bats being climbed by a licensed bat worker and any potential roost features such as hollows or cracks being inspected using an endoscope.
Daytime surveys – are carried out on buildings and involve searching for evidence of bats internally. These surveys are typically undertaken by our licensed bat ecologist searching roof voids for signs of bats and assessing the building and surrounding habitat for their wider suitability. Daytime surveys can be conducted at any time of year. Depending on the findings of this daytime survey, further surveys may be required. Further surveys may involve dusk and/or dawn surveys.
Dusk emergence and Dawn re-entry surveys – involved a number of ecologists positioned externally around the building in question and watching for bats emerging at dusk and re-entering at dawn. Bat detectors are used to aid the ecologists. Dusk and dawn surveys must be conducted when bats are active, May to September, inclusive.
Activity surveys – are surveys to detect bat foraging and commuting activity across the site. These surveys aim to identify key areas used by bats away from their roost sites. These must be conducted between late spring and early autumn.