Water vole surveys may be required where development proposals have potential to impact upon potentially suitable habitat such as rivers, canals or ditches (or adjacent these habitats). If water voles are found to be associated with a proposed development site, a mitigation strategy to protect them will need to be submitted to the local planning authority, which is likely to involve licensed mitigation. Our ecologists will work with the design team to develop the most suitable mitigation and compensation strategy, whether that be amending the layout of a site to lessen the potential impact or developing a translocation scheme to move water voles to an alternative site.
Natural England (NE) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) issue licences for the translocation of water voles, when there is no alternative. Certain criteria must be met before a licence can be issued to enable otherwise prohibited works to proceed.
Please contact us to discuss your specific project or to request a quotation for conducting a water vole survey.
Useful information:
Natural England – Water voles and Development
Natural Resources Wales – Water voles